Tim Yu & William Allegrezza
Sunday, April 22, 7 pm
Myopic Books
1564 N. Milwaukee Ave, Wicker Park, Chicago
TIM YU won the Vincent Chin Chapbook Prize for his collection Journey to the West, which appears in the Winter 2006 issue of Barrow Street. His work appears in Seven Corners, 2nd Avenue Poetry, Chicago Review, and SHAMPOO, as well as in the forthcoming anthology The City Visible: Chicago Poetry for the New Century (Cracked Slab). He teaches at the University of Toronto.
Musician, sailor, poet, critic--WILLIAM ALLEGREZZA teaches and writes from his base in Chicago. His poems, articles, and reviews have been published in several countries, including the U.S., Holland, Italy, Finland, the Czech Republic, and Australia, and are available in many online journals. Also, he is the editor of moria, a journal dedicated to experimental poetry and poetics, and the editor-in-chief of Cracked Slab Books. His e-books and books include The Vicious Bunny Translations, Covering Over, Temporal Nomads, Ladders in July, and In the Weaver's Valley. He occasionally posts random thoughts on his blog p-ramblings.
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