Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Speaking of Asian Guys...

...anyone seen the Old Navy "Scarves" commercial that parodies an awards show? They show the winner for "Best Reaction to a Scarf": a couple: "Kate" and "Jeff," are opening Christmas presents. Kate pulls an Old Navy "shimmery scarf" out of a box, looks at Jeff and says, "Are you asking me to marry you? YES!" and throws her arms around him, the scarf flying in his face. A stunned-looking Jeff can be heard muttering, "It's...a scarf..."

Oh, and: Jeff is an Asian guy.

So I can interpret the look on Jeff's face in one of two ways.

Guy reaction: It's...a scarf...

Asian Guy reaction: Oh my god, a white woman is hugging me...on television...


  1. See what drinking a frappuccino will do for you?

  2. So it's a true story! Amazing.

    The link in my post was to the "latest buzz" page on the Old Navy website; you used to be able to view the ad there. However, it is apparently no longer the "latest," so it's gone.
