Sunday, March 06, 2005


My first days in exile from the Poetics list. Are those the pangs of the outcast that I feel? Maybe I just skipped breakfast. But my inbox is thanking me.

I've received quite a few cheering, supportive backchannels and comments. Stephen Vincent was kind enough to cc me a message he sent to the list, noting Zukofsky's openness to a range of cultural influences and lamenting the opposite, "insular" state. OKIR and fait accompli pointed my way. And Roger Pao has a response up at his Asian American Poetry blog.


  1. Anonymous9:15 PM

    I just wanted to tell you that I read every word of the lasagne, angel, big pictures at the end poem and thought it a masterwork of great integrity. You'll be famous.

  2. Eh...but we know, don't we, that we can create our own "lists"...? Missed the whole brouhaha (to moi relief).

    Ever in your corner...

  3. Anonymous10:05 PM

    I would love to read a more multi-cultural based poetics list. Make one!! The buffalo poetics list is so past tense...
