Thursday, March 04, 2004

MYOPIC POETRY SERIES -- a weekly series of readings and poets' talks

Myopic Books in Chicago -- Sundays at 7:00 / 1564 N. Milwaukee Avenue


Sunday March 7 - Gabriel Gudding and John Beer

Gabriel Gudding's first book, A Defense of Poetry was published by the University of Pittsburgh press as part of their Pitt Poetry Series in November, 2002. His work has appeared in journals like American Poetry Review, LiBourgeoizine, Fence, VeRT, etc. He is currently an assistant professor of English at Illinois State University where he teaches quote experimental unquote poetry. He has started 2 creative writing programs in prisons and is looking to start some trouble in the maximum security facility in Pontiac (downstate) this semester. He was born in Minnesota, and has lived in San Francisco, LA, Seattle, Port Townsend Washington, Olympia, Indiana, New York, and Mississippi. He is very glad to be out of Mississippi.

John Beer lives in Chicago. His poems and essays have appeared in periodicals including Chicago Review, Chicago Tribune, Crowd, Verse, Colorado Review, Barrow Street, and the Review of Contemporary Fiction.

Sunday March 14 - William Allegrezza

William Allegrezza teaches and writes from his base in Chicago. His poems, translations, essays, and reviews have been published in several countries, including the U.S., Holland, Finland, and Australia, and are available in many online journals. His chapbook lingo was published by subontic press and his e-book Temporal Nomads can be downloaded from xPress(ed) Also, he is the editor of moria , a journal dedicated to experimental poetry and poetics.

Sunday March 21 - Srikanth Reddy

Srikanth (Chicu) Reddy's first collection of poetry, "Facts for Visitors," is coming out with the New California Poetry Series on the University of California Press this Spring. His poems have appeared in various journals, including APR, Fence, Grand Street, Ploughshares, and Verse. He is currently the Poet-in-Residence at the University of Chicago."

Sunday March 28 - Jackie Lalley and Richard Fox

Jackie Lalley's work has been published or is forthcoming in Bridge, the Harvard Review, the Nebraska Review, and other publications. She programs the Discovery Reading Series at the Poetry Center of Chicago and is organizing a local chapter of the Independent Press Association. She provides publishing and nonprofit development services as a consultant, mostly to nonprofits.

Richard Fox lives and works in Chicago. He has contributed poems to TriQuarterly, The Diagram, Spinning Jenny, Folio, Painted Bride Quarterly, Rhino and other journals. Work is forthcoming in the journal, Paper Street. He recorded a CD in 2001. One of his poems has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2004. He was awarded a project grant from the City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs in 2001, a Full Fellowship in Poetry from the Illinois Arts Council in 2000, and a residency at the Millay Colony for the Arts in 2000. He holds a BFA in Photography from Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia.

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