Friday, October 17, 2003

More Choke Poetics

Courtesy of K. Silem Mohammad. Keep 'em coming!

Bourgeois Family Christmas

In February 1985, my throat and mouth
muscles lost all coordination.
I could not swallow and began
choking on my own saliva.

Due to a sore throat I had been swallowing
too frequently over and over repeatedly
like a mentally retarded dog, and was
choking on my own saliva.

Time: 5:33 pm. I started feeling all sorts
of "bad weird." Is that a mood?
I felt as if though I was
choking on my own saliva.

Thank fortune, I had gone to the bathroom
before I left work. Rather than
wetting myself, I settled for
choking on my own saliva.

I had a seizure in the kitchen
of my mom’s house, passing out
watching my hand slap uncontrollably while
choking on my own saliva.

The huge brown spider jumped on me!
Then I woke up panicking. The rest of the day,
my right eye was twitching wildly and I was
choking on my own saliva.

They tell me I will get so I will choke
on my food and evidentially get so
I can’t swallow and will end up
choking on my own saliva.

Who knows? See below for even bigger,
better results. Oh sweet Mary,
mother of Jesus. I am
choking … on … my … own … saliva.

"You mean my c-cock and … and balls?"
He nodded. "W-what … h-happened?"
I could barely find my voice and felt myself
choking on my own saliva.

I said, "Hello, Sanzo? Can I get a ride home?"
Response. Nothing. —What? My breath came
in gasps. I swallowed, almost
choking on my own saliva.

Current Mood: annoyed.
September 8th, 2003. 12:00 pm —> *cOugH
Yes. There was a lot of saliva.

Don’t hate the playa hate the game!
I’m choking on my own saliva

People will kill me for this, but I remembered
choking on my own saliva
when I discovered that some phrases
I couldn’t recognize at all as Japanese were

off in my world of gnomes that strip and breakdance HAMMER TIME…
cuz I had that hideous mouth holder thingy and he had to push on it a li’l
to reach my back teeth and I kept saying no, while
choking on my own saliva.

Eleven years ago, I smoked two packs
of menthol cigarettes a day. However
there are no answers for preventing
choking on my own saliva.

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