Saturday, October 11, 2003

from Summi Kaipa...

Interlope #9 is out!

Interlope, the journal of Asian American poetics, has just released its 9th issue featuring work by:

Minal Hajratwala
Michelle Naka-Pierce
Jerrold Shiroma
Ken Tanemura
Hung Q. Tu
Tim Yu

Single issues are available for individuals at $5/each. Please send checks (payable to Summi Kaipa) to:

PO Box 423058
San Francisco, CA 94142

NEWS: Interlope #10, to be published this winter, will be the final issue of the magazine. It has been a rewarding endeavor, and I thank all of you who have supported it. If you know writers who might be a good fit for this last issue, please forward them to

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