Saturday, September 20, 2003

Felix: A Series of New Writing
October 13, 2003. 4:30 p.m.
Department of Special Collections
Memorial Library ~ UW Madison.

Felix: A Series of New Writing brings focus to the world of small publishing, and particularly independent or "little" literary magazines. The new series is devoted to providing a venue for new literary works by young writers.

The debut event of Felix: A Series of New Writing showcases three independent poetry journals from the coast of Lake Michigan. The poets and editors of these magazines will read from their work and join in a discussion about "little" magazines and their role in American letters.

Jesse Seldess is the editor of the Chicago journal Antennae, which publishes new works of poetry and music. His most recent poetry is featured in the journals Kiosk, First Intensity and Crayon, among others. Seldess is co-curator of the Discrete Series, a venue for the performance of new poetry and music. Antennae has recently featured the work of important writers such as Lyn Hejinian, Ron Silliman and Leslie Scalapino, as well as younger poets including Patrick Durgin and K. Silem Mohammed.

Kerri Sonnenberg lives in Chicago and edits the poetry journal Conundrum. Sonnenberg has recently published poems in the journals Bird Dog and Chase Park, and has work forthcoming in PomPom and !Factorial. She is co-curator of the Discrete Series, a venue for new poetry and music. Conundrum has recently published new poetry by Joan Retallak, Rosmarie Waldrop and Rodrigo Toscano, among others.

Stacy Szymaszek is co-editor (with Drew Kunz) of the Milwaukee poetry journal Traverse. Two chapbooks are forthcoming in 2004, including her serial poem Some Mariners (EtherDome Press) and Mutual Aid (Gong Press). Her latest poetry is forthcoming in the journals Aufgabe, 26 and LVNG. Szymaszek is Literary Program Manager at Woodland Pattern Book Center and curator of the Redletter Reading Series. The forthcoming issue of Traverse pays homage to Robert Duncan and will include new work by Peter O'Leary, Susan Thackrey and others.

A small exhibit of poetry magazines from the 1950s to 1980s will accompany the reading. This is a rare opportunity to explore the shifting world of literary magazines and their place in literary history. Please feel free to forward this message to classes or colleagues who may be interested.

Felix is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be provided following the event.

Felix is sponsored by the Friends of the UW Libraries and kindly supported by the staff of the Department of Special Collections.

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